How To Play A Picture Slideshow On The Chromecast

The Chromecast is a tool you can use to turn an ordinary TV into something more than just a screen say perhaps a bulletin board that has high visibility and that can be updated by pushing a new image to it. Slideshow is the operative word here and you can play on to broadcast important information or just something as simple as a restaurant menu cycle through to a large screen. Here’s how you can do just that using either a phone and desktop, or without using anything other than the Chromecast itself.

Cast Slideshow Without A Phone & Desktop

If you don’t have a spare phone or desktop that you can cast photos from to your Chromecast, you aren’t without options. In order to accomplish this, you need to set up the Chromecast and in the Chromecast app sign in to your Google account. Chromecast lets you choose what photos appear as the ‘backdrop’. Simply create a new album in Google Photos and select it from the Chromecast app as a source for backdrop images. Turn off all other sources and Chromecast will cycle through the photos in the album only. It will do this all in its idle, unused mode.

Cast Slideshow From Phone & Desktop

To start and cast a slideshow of photos from your iPhone, you need an app called Photo Video Cast. It not only lets you choose an album to cast photos from but also lets you customize the refresh interval. Android users that have native support for the Chromecast can use the default Photos app. If you do not have native support for Chromecast, try the CastonTV Free app.
